A little bit about Meichelle

After spending thirty years developing and operating a very successful business, I returned to school to pursue my passion, Psychology.

I obtained my degree and invested over 300 hours in coaching training, and healing modalities. Finally, I found my calling- PSYCH-K®!

This transformative method offers what I have always wanted in my practice, RESULTS!

PSYCH-K® is not about revisiting the wounds of the past; it is about enabling the manifestation of your dreams and goals by rewriting the programs in your subconscious mind. Balancing both hemispheres of your brain to a concept enables your mind to “believe” the concept as truth. This is a great way to finally move past the blocks that have been tripping you up for years. Get your subconscious mind working with you!

With the subconscious mind being over ONE MILLION times faster processor of information than your conscious mind, it is easy to see that we all would benefit by using a system like PSYCH-K® to “change our mind”!

Curious? I offer a free 30 min consultation. In-person, on the phone, or via Zoom.

More info about PSYCH-K®

In the words of Rob Williams, Originator of PSYCH-K® -

“This is a friendly way to reprogram your mind's software and change the outcome of your life"

PSYCH-K® is a simple process with which you can quickly and easily

reprogram your mind, changing the subconscious beliefs that prevent you

from BEING the PEACE you seek!

Your life reflects the subconscious beliefs that are the

accumulated effect of a lifetime of programming and define the limits of

what you can achieve. As a result of past limiting programming, we often

think and behave in self-defeating ways.

Changing subconscious beliefs is similar to reprogramming a computer,

and when you reprogram the "software" of your mind, you change the outcome of your life.

As Henry Ford said, "If you think you can, or if you think you can't...you're right!

PSYCH-K® is like a mental keyboard that allows you to access your

subconscious mind. In each process you do with PSYCH-K®, you reach

what is called the Whole Brain State in which the two hemispheres of your

brain work at the same time. This is ideal for changing subconscious

beliefs or the perception of stress created by a traumatic or difficult

situation. The Whole Brain State you achieve in each PSYCH-K® process

exponentially increases your overall ability to respond to life's challenges.

PSYCH-K®'s belief change processes -- called Balances -- are easy to

learn and allow you to communicate in a simple way with your

subconscious mind to change beliefs that limit your self-esteem, personal

power, interpersonal relationships, job performance or sports-

In short, everything that is affecting your emotional, mental and/ or physical health, etc.